パッケージ org.thinkit.zenna.mapper

クラス ContentMapper<R extends ContentEntity>


public abstract class ContentMapper<R extends ContentEntity>
extends Object
implements Mapper<R>
A class that abstracts the process of mapping content classes to content files. The content class associated with a specific content file should inherit from this abstract class.

The scan() method defined in this abstract class handles all the linking between the content object inheriting from this abstract class and the content file.

This scan() method cannot be overridden by content objects that inherit from this abstract class. In other words, after creating an instance of a content object that inherits from this abstract class, simply calling the scan() method defined in the inherited abstract class will perform the mapping process, resulting in the acquisition result as the result type defined in the content file The result will be returned as the result type defined in the content file.

The generic of this abstract class should be a type that implements the ContentEntity interface. Each field defined in the type specified in this generic will be mapped to each item in the content file and will be the returned type when the scan() method is executed.

  • メソッドの概要

    修飾子とタイプ メソッド 説明
    boolean equals​(Object o)  
    int hashCode()  
    List<R> scan()
    Performs the mapping process between the content class and the content file, and returns the Entity list containing the items retrieved from the specified content.
    String toString()  

    クラスから継承されたメソッド java.lang.Object

    getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • メソッドの詳細

    • scan

      public final List<R> scan()
      インタフェースからコピーされた説明: Mapper
      Performs the mapping process between the content class and the content file, and returns the Entity list containing the items retrieved from the specified content.
      scan インタフェース内 Mapper<R extends ContentEntity>
      Entity list containing the items retrieved from the specified content
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString クラス内 Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals​(Object o)
      equals クラス内 Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode クラス内 Object