パッケージ org.thinkit.zenna.eval

クラス ContentEvaluator


public final class ContentEvaluator
extends Object
implements Evaluator
The class that defines the process of evaluating the defined content based on the given inputs.

The builder pattern is used as the process when creating an instance of this class. When creating an instance of this class, first call the builder() method. The builder() method returns an instance of itself, subsequent processing can be described in the form of a method chain. And you can create a new instance of the ContentEvaluator class by setting the required and optional fields after calling the builder() method, and then calling the ContentEvaluator.ContentEvaluatorBuilder.build() method.

The required inputs for creating an instance of this class and performing subsequent processing successfully are an object in the Map structure that stores content information and an object in the Set structure that stores the key names defined under the "selectionNodes" of the content. The condition to get the content item can be specified by an object of Map structure, but specifying this condition is optional and not required. If no content acquisition condition is specified, all items under "selectionNodes" in the content file whose "conditionId" is empty will be acquired.

To set the Map object representing the content, call the ContentEvaluator.ContentEvaluatorBuilder.content(Map) method, and to set the Set object representing the key name of the item to be retrieved, call the ContentEvaluator.ContentEvaluatorBuilder.attributes(Set) method. To set a Map object that represents the conditions of an arbitrary item, call ContentEvaluator.ContentEvaluatorBuilder.conditions(Map) to set it. After setting the data required for the evaluation process, call the ContentEvaluator.ContentEvaluatorBuilder.build() method and execute the evaluate() method. The content data evaluated based on the specified input will be returned as an object of List structure.

The required field must be an object that is not null and is not empty in the case of a collection. The initial value of the condition object, which is an optional item, is an empty Map object, and null is not allowed. If the above values are set at the time of instance creation, no exception will be thrown when executing the ContentEvaluator.ContentEvaluatorBuilder.build() method, but an exception will always be thrown when checking the preconditions when executing the evaluate() method.

  • メソッドの詳細

    • evaluate

      public List<Map<String,​Object>> evaluate()
      Evaluate and return the obtained object as a list structure.

      Evaluates and processes content based on the data specified when the ContentEvaluator class is instantiated. In the content evaluation process, the content data to be returned is filtered based on the input data passed when the instance of this class is created. The filtered content data will be returned as an object of List structure. null will never be returned.

      If the content map specified when instantiating the ContentEvaluator class is null or an empty map, or if the attribute set is null or an empty set, or if the condition map is null, an exception will always be raised at runtime and processing will fail.

      evaluate インタフェース内 Evaluator
      The filtered content list
      org.thinkit.common.base.precondition.exception.PreconditionFailedException - If content is null or empty, or if attributes is null or empty
      NullPointerException - If conditions is null
    • builder

    • toBuilder

    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString クラス内 Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals​(Object o)
      equals クラス内 Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode クラス内 Object