
  • パッケージ org.thinkit.api.gateway.github

  • パッケージ org.thinkit.api.gateway.github.communication

  • パッケージ org.thinkit.api.gateway.github.content.entity

  • パッケージ org.thinkit.api.gateway.github.exception

  • パッケージ org.thinkit.api.gateway.github.query

  • パッケージ org.thinkit.api.gateway.github.response.common

    • Class org.thinkit.api.gateway.github.response.common.Creator extends com.google.api.client.json.GenericJson implements Serializable

      • 直列化されたフィールド

        • avaterUrl
          String avaterUrl
          The avater url
        • eventsUrl
          String eventsUrl
          The events url
        • followersUrl
          String followersUrl
          The followers url
        • followingUrl
          String followingUrl
          The following url
        • gistsUrl
          String gistsUrl
          The gists url
        • gravaterId
          String gravaterId
          The gravater url
        • htmlUrl
          String htmlUrl
          The html url
        • id
          int id
          The user id
        • login
          String login
          The login name
        • nodeId
          String nodeId
          The node id
        • organizationsUrl
          String organizationsUrl
          The organizations url
        • receivedEventsUrl
          String receivedEventsUrl
          The received events url
        • reposUrl
          String reposUrl
          The repository url
        • siteAdmin
          boolean siteAdmin
          The site admin
        • starredUrl
          String starredUrl
          The starred url
        • subscriptionsUrl
          String subscriptionsUrl
          The subscriptions url
        • type
          String type
          The type
        • url
          String url
          The url
    • Class org.thinkit.api.gateway.github.response.common.License extends com.google.api.client.json.GenericJson implements Serializable

      • 直列化されたフィールド

        • key
          String key
          The key
        • name
          String name
          The name
        • nodeId
          String nodeId
          The node id
        • spdxId
          String spdxId
          The spdx (software package data exchange) id
        • url
          String url
          The url
  • パッケージ org.thinkit.api.gateway.github.response.repos

    • Class org.thinkit.api.gateway.github.response.repos.Repository extends com.google.api.client.json.GenericJson implements Serializable

      • 直列化されたフィールド

        • archived
          boolean archived
          The archived
        • archiveUrl
          String archiveUrl
          The archive url
        • assigneesUrl
          String assigneesUrl
          The assignees url
        • blogsUrl
          String blogsUrl
          The blogs url
        • branchesUrl
          String branchesUrl
          The branches url
        • cloneUrl
          String cloneUrl
          The clone url
        • collaboratorsUrl
          String collaboratorsUrl
          The collaborators url
        • commentsUrl
          String commentsUrl
          The comments url
        • commitsUrl
          String commitsUrl
          The commits url
        • compareUrl
          String compareUrl
          The compare url
        • contentsUrl
          String contentsUrl
          The contents url
        • contributorsUrl
          String contributorsUrl
          The contributors url
        • createdAt
          String createdAt
          The created datetime
        • defaultBranch
          String defaultBranch
          The default branch
        • deploymentsUrl
          String deploymentsUrl
          The deployment url
        • description
          String description
          The description
        • disabled
          boolean disabled
          The disabled
        • downloadsCreated
          boolean downloadsCreated
          The flag of downloads existence
        • downloadsUrl
          String downloadsUrl
          The downloads url
        • eventsUrl
          String eventsUrl
          The events url
        • fork
          boolean fork
          The fork
        • forks
          int forks
          The forks
        • forksCount
          int forksCount
          The forks count
        • forksUrl
          String forksUrl
          The forks url
        • fullName
          String fullName
          The repository full name
        • gitCommitsUrl
          String gitCommitsUrl
          The git commits url
        • gitRefsUrl
          String gitRefsUrl
          The git refs url
        • gitTagsUrl
          String gitTagsUrl
          The git tags url
        • gitUrl
          String gitUrl
          The git url
        • homepage
          String homepage
          The home page
        • hooksUrl
          String hooksUrl
          The hooks url
        • htmlUrl
          String htmlUrl
          The html url
        • id
          int id
          The repository id
        • issueCommentUrl
          String issueCommentUrl
          The issue comment url
        • issueEventsUrl
          String issueEventsUrl
          The issue events url
        • issuesCreated
          boolean issuesCreated
          The flag of issues existence
        • issuesUrl
          String issuesUrl
          The issues url
        • keysUrl
          String keysUrl
          The keys url
        • labelsUrl
          String labelsUrl
          The labels url
        • language
          String language
          The language
        • languagesUrl
          String languagesUrl
          The languages url
        • license
          License license
          The license
        • mergesUrl
          String mergesUrl
          The merges url
        • milestonesUrl
          String milestonesUrl
          The milestones url
        • mirrorUrl
          String mirrorUrl
          The mirror count
        • name
          String name
          The repository name
        • networkCount
          int networkCount
          The network count
        • nodeId
          String nodeId
          The node id
        • notificationsUrl
          String notificationsUrl
          The notifications url
        • openIssues
          int openIssues
          The open issues
        • openIssuesCount
          int openIssuesCount
          The open issues count
        • owner
          Creator owner
          The owner
        • pagesCreated
          boolean pagesCreated
          The flag of pages existence
        • privateRepository
          boolean privateRepository
          The private repository
        • projectsCreated
          boolean projectsCreated
          The flag of projects existence
        • pullsUrl
          String pullsUrl
          The pulls url
        • pushedAt
          String pushedAt
          The pushed datetime
        • releasesUrl
          String releasesUrl
          The releases url
        • size
          int size
          The size
        • sshUrl
          String sshUrl
          The ssh url
        • stargazersCount
          int stargazersCount
          The stargazers count
        • stargazersUrl
          String stargazersUrl
          The stargazers url
        • statusesUrl
          String statusesUrl
          The statues url
        • subscribersCount
          int subscribersCount
          The subscribers count
        • subscribersUrl
          String subscribersUrl
          The subscribers url
        • subscriptionUrl
          String subscriptionUrl
          The subscription url
        • svnUrl
          String svnUrl
          The svn url
        • tagsUrl
          String tagsUrl
          The tags url
        • teamsUrl
          String teamsUrl
          The teams url
        • tempCloneToken
          String tempCloneToken
          The temp clone token
        • treesUrl
          String treesUrl
          The trees url
        • updatedAt
          String updatedAt
          The updated datetime
        • url
          String url
          The url
        • watchers
          int watchers
          The watchers
        • watchersCount
          int watchersCount
          The watchers count
        • wikiCreated
          boolean wikiCreated
          The flag of wiki existence
  • パッケージ org.thinkit.api.gateway.github.response.repos.issues

    • Class org.thinkit.api.gateway.github.response.repos.issues.Issue extends com.google.api.client.json.GenericJson implements Serializable

      • 直列化されたフィールド

        • activeLockReason
          String activeLockReason
          The active lock reason
        • assignee
          Creator assignee
          The assignee
        • assignees
          List<Creator> assignees
          The assignees
        • auhtorAssociation
          String auhtorAssociation
          The author association
        • body
          String body
          The body
        • closedAt
          String closedAt
          The closed datetime
        • closedBy
          Creator closedBy
          The closed user
        • comments
          int comments
          The comments
        • commentsUrl
          String commentsUrl
          The comments url
        • createdAt
          String createdAt
          The created datetime
        • eventsUrl
          String eventsUrl
          The events url
        • htmlUrl
          String htmlUrl
          The html url
        • id
          int id
          The id
        • issuer
          Creator issuer
          The issuer
        • labels
          List<IssueLabel> labels
          The labels
        • labelsUrl
          String labelsUrl
          The labels url
        • locked
          boolean locked
          The locked
        • milestone
          IssueMilestone milestone
          The milestone
        • nodeId
          String nodeId
          The node id
        • number
          int number
          The number
        • repositoryUrl
          String repositoryUrl
          The repository url
        • state
          String state
          The state
        • title
          String title
          The title
        • updatedAt
          String updatedAt
          The update datetime
        • url
          String url
          The url
    • Class org.thinkit.api.gateway.github.response.repos.issues.IssueLabel extends com.google.api.client.json.GenericJson implements Serializable

      • 直列化されたフィールド

        • color
          String color
          The color
        • defaultLabel
          boolean defaultLabel
          The default flag
        • description
          String description
          The description
        • id
          int id
          The id
        • name
          String name
          The name
        • nodeId
          String nodeId
          The node id
        • url
          String url
          The url
    • Class org.thinkit.api.gateway.github.response.repos.issues.IssueMilestone extends com.google.api.client.json.GenericJson implements Serializable

      • 直列化されたフィールド

        • closedAt
          String closedAt
          The closed datetime
        • closedIssues
          int closedIssues
          The closed issues
        • createdAt
          String createdAt
          The closed datetime
        • creator
          Creator creator
          The creator
        • description
          String description
          The description
        • dueOn
          String dueOn
          The due datetime
        • htmlUrl
          String htmlUrl
          The html url
        • id
          int id
          The id
        • labelsUrl
          String labelsUrl
          The labels url
        • nodeId
          String nodeId
          The node id
        • number
          int number
          The number
        • openIssues
          int openIssues
          The open issues
        • state
          String state
          The state
        • title
          String title
          The title
        • updatedAt
          String updatedAt
          The updated datetime
        • url
          String url
          The url
  • パッケージ org.thinkit.api.gateway.github.response.repos.issues.comments

  • パッケージ org.thinkit.api.gateway.github.response.user

    • Class org.thinkit.api.gateway.github.response.user.User extends com.google.api.client.json.GenericJson implements Serializable

      • 直列化されたフィールド

        • avaterUrl
          String avaterUrl
          The avater url
        • bio
          String bio
          The bio
        • blog
          String blog
          The blog
        • company
          String company
          The company
        • createdAt
          String createdAt
          The created datetime
        • email
          String email
          The email
        • eventsUrl
          String eventsUrl
          The events url
        • followers
          int followers
          The count of followers
        • followersUrl
          String followersUrl
          The followers url
        • following
          int following
          The count of following
        • followingUrl
          String followingUrl
          The following url
        • gistsUrl
          String gistsUrl
          The gists url
        • gravatarId
          String gravatarId
          The gravater id
        • hireable
          boolean hireable
          The hireable
        • hrmlUrl
          String hrmlUrl
          The html url
        • id
          int id
          The user id
        • location
          String location
          The location
        • login
          String login
          The login name
        • name
          String name
          The user name
        • nodeId
          String nodeId
          The node id
        • organizationsUrl
          String organizationsUrl
          The organizations url
        • publicGists
          int publicGists
          The count of public gists
        • publicRepos
          int publicRepos
          The count of public repos
        • receivedEventsUrl
          String receivedEventsUrl
          The received events url
        • reposUrl
          String reposUrl
          The repos url
        • siteAdmin
          boolean siteAdmin
          The site admin
        • starredUrl
          String starredUrl
          The starred url
        • subscriptionsUrl
          String subscriptionsUrl
          The sbscriptions url
        • twitterUsername
          String twitterUsername
          The twitter user name
        • type
          String type
          The type
        • updatedAt
          String updatedAt
          The updated datetime
        • url
          String url
          The url
  • パッケージ org.thinkit.api.gateway.github.response.user.followers

    • Class org.thinkit.api.gateway.github.response.user.followers.UserFollower extends com.google.api.client.json.GenericJson implements Serializable

      • 直列化されたフィールド

        • avaterUrl
          String avaterUrl
          The avater url
        • eventsUrl
          String eventsUrl
          The event url
        • followersUrl
          String followersUrl
          The follower url
        • followingUrl
          String followingUrl
          The following url
        • gistsUrl
          String gistsUrl
          The gist url
        • gravaterId
          String gravaterId
          The gravater id
        • htmlUrl
          String htmlUrl
          The user url (html)
        • id
          int id
          The user id
        • login
          String login
          The login name
        • nodeId
          String nodeId
          The node id
        • organizationsUrl
          String organizationsUrl
          The organization url
        • receivedEventsUrl
          String receivedEventsUrl
          The received event url
        • reposUrl
          String reposUrl
          The repository url
        • siteAdmin
          boolean siteAdmin
          The site admin
        • starredUrl
          String starredUrl
          The starred url
        • subscriptionsUrl
          String subscriptionsUrl
          The subscription url
        • type
          String type
          The user type
        • url
          String url
          The user url
  • パッケージ org.thinkit.api.gateway.github.response.user.following

    • Class org.thinkit.api.gateway.github.response.user.following.FollowingUser extends com.google.api.client.json.GenericJson implements Serializable

      • 直列化されたフィールド

        • avaterUrl
          String avaterUrl
          The avater url
        • eventsUrl
          String eventsUrl
          The event url
        • followersUrl
          String followersUrl
          The follower url
        • followingUrl
          String followingUrl
          The following url
        • gistsUrl
          String gistsUrl
          The gist url
        • gravaterId
          String gravaterId
          The gravater id
        • htmlUrl
          String htmlUrl
          The user url (html)
        • id
          int id
          The user id
        • login
          String login
          The login name
        • nodeId
          String nodeId
          The node id
        • organizationsUrl
          String organizationsUrl
          The organization url
        • receivedEventsUrl
          String receivedEventsUrl
          The received event url
        • reposUrl
          String reposUrl
          The repository url
        • siteAdmin
          boolean siteAdmin
          The site admin
        • starredUrl
          String starredUrl
          The starred url
        • subscriptionsUrl
          String subscriptionsUrl
          The subscription url
        • type
          String type
          The user type
        • url
          String url
          The user url
  • パッケージ org.thinkit.api.gateway.github.response.user.receivedevents

  • パッケージ org.thinkit.api.gateway.github.response.user.repos

    • Class org.thinkit.api.gateway.github.response.user.repos.UserRepository extends com.google.api.client.json.GenericJson implements Serializable

      • 直列化されたフィールド

        • archived
          boolean archived
          The archived
        • archiveUrl
          String archiveUrl
          The archive url
        • assigneesUrl
          String assigneesUrl
          The assignees url
        • blogsUrl
          String blogsUrl
          The blogs url
        • branchesUrl
          String branchesUrl
          The branches url
        • cloneUrl
          String cloneUrl
          The clone url
        • collaboratorsUrl
          String collaboratorsUrl
          The collaborators url
        • commentsUrl
          String commentsUrl
          The comments url
        • commitsUrl
          String commitsUrl
          The commits url
        • compareUrl
          String compareUrl
          The compare url
        • contentsUrl
          String contentsUrl
          The contents url
        • contributorsUrl
          String contributorsUrl
          The contributors url
        • createdAt
          String createdAt
          The created datetime
        • defaultBranch
          String defaultBranch
          The default branch
        • deploymentsUrl
          String deploymentsUrl
          The deployment url
        • description
          String description
          The description
        • disabled
          boolean disabled
          The disabled
        • downloadsCreated
          boolean downloadsCreated
          The flag of downloads existence
        • downloadsUrl
          String downloadsUrl
          The downloads url
        • eventsUrl
          String eventsUrl
          The events url
        • fork
          boolean fork
          The fork
        • forks
          int forks
          The forks
        • forksCount
          int forksCount
          The forks count
        • forksUrl
          String forksUrl
          The forks url
        • fullName
          String fullName
          The repository full name
        • gitCommitsUrl
          String gitCommitsUrl
          The git commits url
        • gitRefsUrl
          String gitRefsUrl
          The git refs url
        • gitTagsUrl
          String gitTagsUrl
          The git tags url
        • gitUrl
          String gitUrl
          The git url
        • homepage
          String homepage
          The home page
        • hooksUrl
          String hooksUrl
          The hooks url
        • htmlUrl
          String htmlUrl
          The html url
        • id
          int id
          The repository id
        • issueCommentUrl
          String issueCommentUrl
          The issue comment url
        • issueEventsUrl
          String issueEventsUrl
          The issue events url
        • issuesCreated
          boolean issuesCreated
          The flag of issues existence
        • issuesUrl
          String issuesUrl
          The issues url
        • keysUrl
          String keysUrl
          The keys url
        • labelsUrl
          String labelsUrl
          The labels url
        • language
          String language
          The language
        • languagesUrl
          String languagesUrl
          The languages url
        • license
          License license
          The license
        • mergesUrl
          String mergesUrl
          The merges url
        • milestonesUrl
          String milestonesUrl
          The milestones url
        • mirrorUrl
          String mirrorUrl
          The mirror count
        • name
          String name
          The repository name
        • nodeId
          String nodeId
          The node id
        • notificationsUrl
          String notificationsUrl
          The notifications url
        • openIssues
          int openIssues
          The open issues
        • openIssuesCount
          int openIssuesCount
          The open issues count
        • owner
          Creator owner
          The owner
        • pagesCreated
          boolean pagesCreated
          The flag of pages existence
        • privateRepository
          boolean privateRepository
          The private repository
        • projectsCreated
          boolean projectsCreated
          The flag of projects existence
        • pullsUrl
          String pullsUrl
          The pulls url
        • pushedAt
          String pushedAt
          The pushed datetime
        • releasesUrl
          String releasesUrl
          The releases url
        • size
          int size
          The size
        • sshUrl
          String sshUrl
          The ssh url
        • stargazersCount
          int stargazersCount
          The stargazers count
        • stargazersUrl
          String stargazersUrl
          The stargazers url
        • statusesUrl
          String statusesUrl
          The statues url
        • subscribersUrl
          String subscribersUrl
          The subscribers url
        • subscriptionUrl
          String subscriptionUrl
          The subscription url
        • svnUrl
          String svnUrl
          The svn url
        • tagsUrl
          String tagsUrl
          The tags url
        • teamsUrl
          String teamsUrl
          The teams url
        • treesUrl
          String treesUrl
          The trees url
        • updatedAt
          String updatedAt
          The updated datetime
        • url
          String url
          The url
        • watchers
          int watchers
          The watchers
        • watchersCount
          int watchersCount
          The watchers count
        • wikiCreated
          boolean wikiCreated
          The flag of wiki existence
  • パッケージ org.thinkit.api.gateway.github.response.user.subscriptions

    • Class org.thinkit.api.gateway.github.response.user.subscriptions.UserSubscription extends com.google.api.client.json.GenericJson implements Serializable

      • 直列化されたフィールド

        • archived
          boolean archived
          The archived
        • archiveUrl
          String archiveUrl
          The archive url
        • assigneesUrl
          String assigneesUrl
          The asignees url
        • blobsUrl
          String blobsUrl
          The blobs url
        • branchesUrl
          String branchesUrl
          The branches url
        • cloneUrl
          String cloneUrl
          The clone url
        • collaboratorsUrl
          String collaboratorsUrl
          The collaborators url
        • commentsUrl
          String commentsUrl
          The comments url
        • commitsUrl
          String commitsUrl
          The commits url
        • compareUrl
          String compareUrl
          The compare url
        • contentUrl
          String contentUrl
          The content url
        • contributorsUrl
          String contributorsUrl
          The contributors url
        • createdAt
          String createdAt
          The created datetime
        • defaultBranch
          String defaultBranch
          The default branch
        • deploymentsUrl
          String deploymentsUrl
          The deployment url
        • description
          String description
          The description
        • disabled
          boolean disabled
          The disabled
        • downloadsCreated
          boolean downloadsCreated
          The flag that represents whether the issue download or not
        • downloadsUrl
          String downloadsUrl
          The downloads url
        • eventsUrl
          String eventsUrl
          The events url
        • fork
          boolean fork
          The fork
        • forks
          int forks
          The forks
        • forksCount
          int forksCount
          The forks count
        • forksUrl
          String forksUrl
          The forks url
        • fullName
          String fullName
          The full name
        • gitCommitsUrl
          String gitCommitsUrl
          The git commits url
        • gitRefsUrl
          String gitRefsUrl
          The git refs url
        • gitTagsUrl
          String gitTagsUrl
          The git tags url
        • gitUrl
          String gitUrl
          The git url
        • homepage
          String homepage
          The homepage
        • hooksUrl
          String hooksUrl
          The hooks url
        • htmlUrl
          String htmlUrl
          The html url
        • id
          int id
          The id
        • issueCommentUrl
          String issueCommentUrl
          The issue comment url
        • issueEventsUrl
          String issueEventsUrl
          The issue event url
        • issuesCreated
          boolean issuesCreated
          The flag that represents whether the issue exists or not
        • issuesUrl
          String issuesUrl
          The issue url
        • keysUrl
          String keysUrl
          The keys url
        • labelsUrl
          String labelsUrl
          The labels url
        • language
          String language
          The language
        • languagesUrl
          String languagesUrl
          The language url
        • license
          License license
          The lisence
        • mergesUrl
          String mergesUrl
          The merges url
        • milestonesUrl
          String milestonesUrl
          The milestones url
        • mirrorUrl
          String mirrorUrl
          The mirror url
        • name
          String name
          The name
        • nodeId
          String nodeId
          The node id
        • notificationsUrl
          String notificationsUrl
          The notifications url
        • openIssues
          int openIssues
          The open issues
        • openIssuesCount
          int openIssuesCount
          The open issues count
        • owner
          Creator owner
          The owner
        • pagesCreated
          boolean pagesCreated
          The flag that represents whether the page exists or not
        • privateSubscription
          boolean privateSubscription
          The flag that represents whether the subscription is private or not
        • projectsCreated
          boolean projectsCreated
          The flag that represents whether the project exists or not
        • pullsUrl
          String pullsUrl
          The pulls url
        • pushedAt
          String pushedAt
          The pushed datetime
        • releasesUrl
          String releasesUrl
          The releases url
        • size
          int size
          The size
        • sshUrl
          String sshUrl
          The ssh url
        • stargazersCount
          int stargazersCount
          The stargazers count
        • stargazersUrl
          String stargazersUrl
          The stargazers url
        • statusesUrl
          String statusesUrl
          The statuses url
        • subscribersUrl
          String subscribersUrl
          The subscribers url
        • subscriptionUrl
          String subscriptionUrl
          The subscriptions url
        • svnUrl
          String svnUrl
          The svn url
        • tagsUrl
          String tagsUrl
          The tags url
        • teamsUrl
          String teamsUrl
          The teams url
        • treesUrl
          String treesUrl
          The trees url
        • updatedAt
          String updatedAt
          The updated datetime
        • watchers
          int watchers
          The watchers
        • watchersCount
          int watchersCount
          The watchers count
        • wikiCreated
          boolean wikiCreated
          The flag that represents whether the wiki exists or not
  • パッケージ org.thinkit.api.gateway.github.user