クラス UserSubscription

Serializable, Cloneable, Map<String,​Object>

public final class UserSubscription
extends com.google.api.client.json.GenericJson
implements Serializable
The entity that manages the specific user's subscription.
  • コンストラクタの詳細

    • UserSubscription

      public UserSubscription()
  • メソッドの詳細

    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString クラス内 com.google.api.client.json.GenericJson
    • equals

      public boolean equals​(Object o)
      equals インタフェース内 Map<String,​Object>
      equals クラス内 com.google.api.client.util.GenericData
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode インタフェース内 Map<String,​Object>
      hashCode クラス内 com.google.api.client.util.GenericData
    • getId

      public int getId()
      The id
    • getNodeId

      public String getNodeId()
      The node id
    • getName

      public String getName()
      The name
    • getFullName

      public String getFullName()
      The full name
    • isPrivateSubscription

      public boolean isPrivateSubscription()
      The flag that represents whether the subscription is private or not
    • getOwner

      public Creator getOwner()
      The owner
    • getHtmlUrl

      public String getHtmlUrl()
      The html url
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      The description
    • isFork

      public boolean isFork()
      The fork
    • getForksUrl

      public String getForksUrl()
      The forks url
    • getKeysUrl

      public String getKeysUrl()
      The keys url
    • getCollaboratorsUrl

      public String getCollaboratorsUrl()
      The collaborators url
    • getTeamsUrl

      public String getTeamsUrl()
      The teams url
    • getHooksUrl

      public String getHooksUrl()
      The hooks url
    • getIssueEventsUrl

      public String getIssueEventsUrl()
      The issue event url
    • getEventsUrl

      public String getEventsUrl()
      The events url
    • getAssigneesUrl

      public String getAssigneesUrl()
      The asignees url
    • getBranchesUrl

      public String getBranchesUrl()
      The branches url
    • getTagsUrl

      public String getTagsUrl()
      The tags url
    • getBlobsUrl

      public String getBlobsUrl()
      The blobs url
    • getGitTagsUrl

      public String getGitTagsUrl()
      The git tags url
    • getGitRefsUrl

      public String getGitRefsUrl()
      The git refs url
    • getTreesUrl

      public String getTreesUrl()
      The trees url
    • getStatusesUrl

      public String getStatusesUrl()
      The statuses url
    • getLanguagesUrl

      public String getLanguagesUrl()
      The language url
    • getStargazersUrl

      public String getStargazersUrl()
      The stargazers url
    • getContributorsUrl

      public String getContributorsUrl()
      The contributors url
    • getSubscribersUrl

      public String getSubscribersUrl()
      The subscribers url
    • getSubscriptionUrl

      public String getSubscriptionUrl()
      The subscriptions url
    • getCommitsUrl

      public String getCommitsUrl()
      The commits url
    • getGitCommitsUrl

      public String getGitCommitsUrl()
      The git commits url
    • getCommentsUrl

      public String getCommentsUrl()
      The comments url
    • getIssueCommentUrl

      public String getIssueCommentUrl()
      The issue comment url
    • getContentUrl

      public String getContentUrl()
      The content url
    • getCompareUrl

      public String getCompareUrl()
      The compare url
    • getMergesUrl

      public String getMergesUrl()
      The merges url
    • getArchiveUrl

      public String getArchiveUrl()
      The archive url
    • getDownloadsUrl

      public String getDownloadsUrl()
      The downloads url
    • getIssuesUrl

      public String getIssuesUrl()
      The issue url
    • getPullsUrl

      public String getPullsUrl()
      The pulls url
    • getMilestonesUrl

      public String getMilestonesUrl()
      The milestones url
    • getNotificationsUrl

      public String getNotificationsUrl()
      The notifications url
    • getLabelsUrl

      public String getLabelsUrl()
      The labels url
    • getReleasesUrl

      public String getReleasesUrl()
      The releases url
    • getDeploymentsUrl

      public String getDeploymentsUrl()
      The deployment url
    • getCreatedAt

      public String getCreatedAt()
      The created datetime
    • getUpdatedAt

      public String getUpdatedAt()
      The updated datetime
    • getPushedAt

      public String getPushedAt()
      The pushed datetime
    • getGitUrl

      public String getGitUrl()
      The git url
    • getSshUrl

      public String getSshUrl()
      The ssh url
    • getCloneUrl

      public String getCloneUrl()
      The clone url
    • getSvnUrl

      public String getSvnUrl()
      The svn url
    • getHomepage

      public String getHomepage()
      The homepage
    • getSize

      public int getSize()
      The size
    • getStargazersCount

      public int getStargazersCount()
      The stargazers count
    • getWatchersCount

      public int getWatchersCount()
      The watchers count
    • getLanguage

      public String getLanguage()
      The language
    • isIssuesCreated

      public boolean isIssuesCreated()
      The flag that represents whether the issue exists or not
    • isProjectsCreated

      public boolean isProjectsCreated()
      The flag that represents whether the project exists or not
    • isDownloadsCreated

      public boolean isDownloadsCreated()
      The flag that represents whether the issue download or not
    • isWikiCreated

      public boolean isWikiCreated()
      The flag that represents whether the wiki exists or not
    • isPagesCreated

      public boolean isPagesCreated()
      The flag that represents whether the page exists or not
    • getForksCount

      public int getForksCount()
      The forks count
    • getMirrorUrl

      public String getMirrorUrl()
      The mirror url
    • isArchived

      public boolean isArchived()
      The archived
    • isDisabled

      public boolean isDisabled()
      The disabled
    • getOpenIssuesCount

      public int getOpenIssuesCount()
      The open issues count
    • getLicense

      public License getLicense()
      The lisence
    • getForks

      public int getForks()
      The forks
    • getOpenIssues

      public int getOpenIssues()
      The open issues
    • getWatchers

      public int getWatchers()
      The watchers
    • getDefaultBranch

      public String getDefaultBranch()
      The default branch