インタフェース Content<R extends ContentEntity>

public interface Content<R extends ContentEntity>
The interface that abstracts the content.

When implementing the Content interface, specify the type of the value returned by the execute() method as a generic type.

  • メソッドの概要

    修飾子とタイプ メソッド 説明
    R execute()
    Returns the data got from the content as the data type specified when implementing the Content interface.
    Set<Attribute> getAttributes()
    Returns the Set containing the name of the target attribute to be retrieved from the content file.
    List<Map<Condition,​String>> getConditions()
    Returns the list containing the conditions for get the content.
    default List<Map<String,​String>> loadContent​(@NonNull Content<R> content)
    Refers to the content file associated with the content object passed as an argument and perform the loading process.
  • メソッドの詳細

    • getAttributes

      Set<Attribute> getAttributes()
      Returns the Set containing the name of the target attribute to be retrieved from the content file.
      The Set containing the name of the target attribute to be retrieved from the content file
    • getConditions

      List<Map<Condition,​String>> getConditions()
      Returns the list containing the conditions for get the content.
      The list containing the conditions for get the content
    • execute

      R execute()
      Returns the data got from the content as the data type specified when implementing the Content interface.
      The data got from the content as the data type specified when implementing the Content interface
    • loadContent

      default List<Map<String,​String>> loadContent​(@NonNull @NonNull Content<R> content)
      Refers to the content file associated with the content object passed as an argument and perform the loading process.
      content - The content
      A map containing the content data for the content specified as an argument
      NullPointerException - If null is passed as an argument
      org.thinkit.framework.content.ContentHandlingException - If the return value of the implemented getAttributes() method is null , or if the return value of the getAttributes() method is an empty list