注釈型 Content
@Documented @Target(TYPE) @Retention(RUNTIME) public @interface Content
The annotation that specifies the mapping between the content class and the
content file.
- 導入されたバージョン:
- 1.0.0
String valueSpecify the name of the content file to be mapped. The file extension is not required when specifying the content file name.When mapping content, inferences can be made from content class names and content file names. Therefore if the class name of the content class to which this annotation is assigned starts with the content file name, there is no need to set this field.
Even if only a content name is specified instead of a path, it will search under the resources folder for content files associated with the specified content name. If there is a file associated with the specified path, the specified content file will be used.
- 戻り値:
- The content name to be used